Supported Employment

A Whole-Life Approach to
well-being and Independence

Wings shares our expertise and collaborates with you to dig into options, make informed decisions, and achieve your goals.

From work-based learning experiences to self-advocacy development, we are here for you – every step of the way towards your life goals.

Building Career Paths,

Together . . .

Our hands-on supportive employment program offers individuals with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities the support and assistance they need to make long-term employment a reality. We match individuals eager to work with employers in their communities. The result is almost always a success! Employers report they get some of their most loyal and hard-working employees, and the individuals we serve get a chance to earn a competitive wage and prove they can get the job done. We provide continuous job coaching and ongoing training for as long as the individual is working at no cost.

Pre-Employment Services

Wings provides employment-focused services to students with disabilities who are transitioning out of high school and into community employment, post-secondary education, adulthood and independence. Our Pre-Employment Transition Services are aimed at promoting and exploring competitive, integrated employment options for these youth in transition.

As stated by the Colorado Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR), “Pre-employment transition services are provided to students with disabilities to further develop an awareness of career and education opportunities, the general skills needed for employment success in any field, and the skills needed to appropriately advocate for themselves as they prepare to exit secondary education and enter the workforce or other post-school activities.”

As a vendor of these services, Wings works with individuals one-on-one in the following areas:

  • Job Exploration
  • Work-Based Learning Experiences including:


Informational interviewing

Job Shadowing

Paid Work Experience

Workplace Tours

  • Counseling on Comprehensive and Post-Secondary Education Programs
  • Work Adjustment Training
  • Personal Adjustment Training
  • Instruction in Self-Advocacy

Relationship Based

We get to know the job seeker and form a relationship with that individual. WINGS evaluates types of work desired and aligns them with the individuals strengths. We do our homework to ensure successful placement and support. This could also be determined by short assessments, this ensures a good fit sets up individuals for success. 


Vocational Training

The vocational training program helps individuals with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities to prepare for, enter into, or retain employment. All trainees, whether or not they complete the program or find employment, learn something about themselves and about the world of work.

Some of the skills our team focuses on are:

Interpersonal skills: getting along with co-workers and supervisors. Communication skills: listening, speaking clearly, following directions. Developing the flexibility and comfort to work on a variety of tasks. Productivity: providing quick and quality work that meets deadlines

Organizational skills: setting priorities, completing assigned work. Problem solving: making decisions, taking responsibility. Personal appearance: hygiene and appropriate work attire

Employment Exploration

Employment Exploration is a service that helps people with disabilities decide if they want to work in the community and can be a critical first step on the path to finding a career.

Employment Exploration can help you learn about different jobs and introduces and examines community employment through activities such as:

  • Benefits planning
  • Career speakers
  • Job tours
  • Mentoring
  • Community exploration

Wings shares our expertise and collaborates with you to dig into options, make informed decisions, and achieve your goals. From work-based learning experiences to post-secondary education and self-advocacy development, we are here for you – every step of the way.

Success Stories

We love to assist our clients in achieving their goals. Scroll and read about a few individual accomplishments:-)


The Wings crew and Thomas teamed up in 2018, Thomas has volunteered with the Volunteers of America feeding the homeless and helping in other programs. Thomas then went on to get a job at King Soopers.


It is hard to find anyone more successful and accomplished than Zach who is the future CEO of K2. Zach in this picture is celebrating two years of employment.


Along side coach Hannah, Rafael has been employed with Argus since 2018 and sometimes volunteers for other programs.


Started in a Wings paid work experience and was able to make it to work at his dream job.

Our Qualifications . . .

What is is like to work with one of our employment specialists?

We have a successful process…

  • After your Job Coach has been chosen, you will meet with them for an intake meeting. When we will get to know you and your needs. At this meeting, you will want to bring a form of ID and an old resume if you have one. 
  • Once the intake meeting has been conducted; you will meet with your Job Coach to create a Job Placement Plan. This plan will outline responsibilities for you and your Job Coach, as well as your needs to assist you with obtaining employment. 
  • Following the Job Placement Plan, you will begin the Pre-Employment services, if needed which include:
    •  Resume and Application Template development
    •  Interview skills
    • Transportation training and support
  • After you are prepped and ready to seek employment; we connect you with employers who have an immediate need for the type of position you are looking for or we will begin the traditional process of job development with you. Your Job Coach will meet with you and communicate with you in the manner and frequency as agreed upon in your placement plan. 
  • Your Job Coach will attend interviews with you, if you would like them to. They will also follow up with employers to request interviews and to advocate for you. Our Job Coaches will not be guaranteed to provide any transportation to any meetings or interviews.
  • After obtaining a job, your Job Coach will follow up with you and your employer if included in your plan with your DVR counselor; to ensure successful and permanent employment.  
  • If you have a documented disability and would like to sign up for services through the Colorado Department of Labor Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR), click here.

Cerified to Guide

Our Employment Support Specialists and Job Coaches are certified in Job Development and Coaching with the State of Colorado. 

We have Employment Support Specialists who are certified with the Association of Community Rehabilitation Educators (ACRE) for Supported and Customized Employment.

Teamwork is our Credo

Our team of Employment Support Specialists work together as a team to locate job leads and opportunities. After being assigned a Job Coach or Employment Support Specialist; we are all here to be by your side for an interview or work shift, another Employment Support Specialist or Job Coach may step in to assist you if one is unable to.

Experienced in a Variety of Industries

Our team consists of a diverse pool of Employment Support professionals from all walks of life , educational and work backgrounds. Our team is experienced in a variety of professional industries, such as:

  • Administrative
  • Teaching
  • Information Technology
  • Medical, health & wellness
  • Hospitality
  • Food industry
  • Retail
  • Warehouse

Internships &
Job Training

Employee Development

The Employee Development Program at Wing serves individuals who benefit from a real work experience in a supported setting as an internship program. The program provides paid work experiences at our office and through remote virtual meetings in fields such as clerical, reception, customer service, food service and janitorial which last up to 90 days. Our participants can be scheduled up to 20 hours per week. Participants are assigned a Employment Support Case Manager, who provides job support and assessment throughout their progress in the program.

Our Program assists participants in preparing them to enter the workforce by utilizing real work activity to aid them in the following areas:

Understanding the meaning, value and demands of work. Learning or re-establishing skills, attitudes, personal characteristics and work behavior. Developing appropriate work attitudes and habits by increasing interpersonal skills.

Working closely with treatment providers to identify and address psychiatric symptoms that may affect employment.

Success Stories

Interns at Wings are enthusiastic, motivated and eager learners. They also bring fresh perspectives and strong work ethics to the team.

“If you were born without wings,

do nothing to prevent them from growing.”

― Coco Chanel

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Newly on his own, Colorado disability advocate promotes independent living, self-advocacy LOCAL NEWS  Newly on his own, Colorado disability advocate promotes independent living, self-advocacy BY

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Zach hard a work in his office

Join Our Team!

Wings PASA is always looking for people who are passionate about what we do. We believe our staff is the driving force behind our commitment to serve our community and people with disabilities as we live and work together.

The beauty that everyone sees about people with disabilities is the determination on their faces in challenging situations. It’s inspiring to all of us and spreads positive spirit.